Tuesday 12 November 2013

To Be or not to Be - What ever am I to do?

I'm SO not commited.

I'm not talking about my family or relationships,I am fully commited to and love my man and family.

I'm talking about my career and life.

I love where I'm working, I love the people I work with but the job itself is so mundane. There are no ways to move up and I'm constanatly begging for more work. I don't dread going to work, but I do dread days that are quiet. I'm very dedicated to my job and I'm not leaving it just yet as it's secure. I have good benefits and quite frankly I'm just not ready to take the leap.

So I've been thinking. What do I want to be when I grow up? (At 33 years old, I am embracing the "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional" spiel).

I love cooking and Baking. From the time I was 8 I was baking on my own (adult supervised of course) and by 12 making family dinners. I love trying new things, but I just don't want to do it all the time. I can't see myself behind an industrial kitchen cooking the same thing over and over and over. It would drive me mad.

I love the arts, I like working with people, I love helping those in need, and I love anything technological.

I grew up a gamer (Kings Quest baby), and will always be one. I'm by no means one of those hard core stay up 24 hours drinking redbull and eating pop tarts while I lead raid after raid on World of Warcraft (I used to!) but now I LOVE games I can play and put down at will.

I also love History - Who knew! I hated it in High School! But once I started going to college, one of my pals lent me some Historical Romance books... and that peaked my interest. I now gobble them up faster than you can blink.

I love animals and Always wanted to be a vet, but after developing allergies, I don't want to be constantly feeling like I'm on the verge of a cold.

Then Fashion - I'm no fashionista, but I have the looks to be a plus sized model. I tried it, and had fun - but still just not for me.

I am very creative and have a fun imagination. I tried to apply that along with my good knowledge of grammar and the written word to write a book. I get going but just can't seem to get one finished. I have about 3 started books out there, but just can't finish one.

So the point of my blogging is going to be about stuff I love; reviews, and recipes. Maybe an interesting fact I learned, a funny story I heard, or even just a little vent here or there (hey we all need it).

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