Thursday 14 November 2013

Fuzzy Eyed and Stylin'

It was most definitely an interesting morning.

I see an ophthalmologist for a partially detached retina I have in my right eye. And realized my little guy ended up breaking my last pair of sunglasses. So I had made a quick stop to Dollarama last night to pick up a pair for after my appointment this morning.

The Eye Specialist was extremely busy, and after having my eyes dilated - I had to sit for an hour in the overly packed waiting room to get the retinal pictures taken then another 30 minutes to see the doc.

I couldn't read words, but I could see colors. So I ended up playing Jelly Splash and Candy Crush on my phone, entertaining enough to keep me busy while waiting (not to mention listening to an elderly gentleman make wise cracks about everything - I like that, he keeps his views positive no matter what).

Good news is I don't need a Vitrectomy (look it up, NOT pleasant at all) which is what they were originally planning. My retina is fixing itself with building up scar tissue - which is pushing it back into place. Bad news is my vision is slowly declining in my right eye (not TERRIBLY, I can still see, just more blurry). The doctor wants to make sure that the scar tissue holds it into place long enough to assure my retina won't detach again - then set me up for Laser surgery to break up the tissue. The good news in this is the recovery goes from 2 - 3 weeks for a Vitrectomy to 2 days for the laser procedure.

So, I sadly am NOT looking forward to two surgeries next year. First surgery being the extraction of my lower wisdom teeth. I'm 33 and it wont be an easy extraction. They need to put me out as they need to to cut into my gums, part of my jaw and break the teeth to extract as the roots are curved around my nerves. If I'm not asleep and I accidentally jerk or move and rip the nerves, I'll have permanent loss of feeling in the lower half of my face and jaw. Not a good thing.

The trip to work from the Specialist's office was strange. I couldn't tell a Semi from a car further than 100feet from me, so watching for a bus was interesting.

On a good note in all of this - Everyone loves my Stylish sunglasses at work! How about that - the $1 pair of sunglasses are being compared to a $200 fashion brand! Nice to be stylin in the office, even if I do look a little out of place wearing sunglasses sitting at a desk under florescent lighting.

Time to hunt down some Chocolate. I need some comfort food.

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