Tuesday 19 November 2013

It's My party... and my Hair is a nightmare

Well not MY party, but my company's Christmas party is coming up this friday.

It's not a huge deal - basically it's dress nice and have a nice dinner on the company.

I have a black gown from my photoshoot to wear, and my man balked at the idea of wearing a suit - so it's a pair of slacks and a nice sweater/dress shirt for him. Apparently he will only wear a tie to a funeral, and POSSIBLY a wedding if the people are very important to him.

So I'm sitting here all broken out (damn hormones), my hair is extremely dry and fuzzy, I had a huge hair loss bout when my iron levels nosedived over the past year, so the hair growing back is extremely messy and doesn't want to behave.

I can't decide for the life of me how to do my hair. I had been "cursed" with curly hair. I hated it growing up. My boyfriend remembers me as the "Jungle Hair Girl" growing up with his sister.

I finally figured out not to fight it but just let it do it's thing by the time I was 28.

My hair then became my glory - then it started falling out (go figure) Now it's not curly, it's not wavy and it's not straight. It's just a mess!

I think it may be time to find a short cut that will suit my face, but it's trying to convince my man to let me do it (He is still in love with my long hair, regardless of how messy it is).

I swear I've been cursed. Every time I find something that works for me - something else comes along and ruins it.

If anyone has any good hair products to try, please let me know!

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