Wednesday 20 November 2013

Baby it's Cold outside! Tammy’s Winter Skincare and Daytime Makeup Picks

There is nothing more damaging than the cold winter air.

If you don’t take care of your skin and hair, you will have issues.

For many years, I became the victim of Jack Frost. My argument was that I was allergic to so many products that I didn’t even bother looking anymore. Then along came Sephora!

One opened shop right by my work within the past 6 months. I decided to have a peek in there and fell in love instantly!

They have so many lines of products that your head will spin, and that's where your Personal Beauty Assistants come in. It is their sole job to help you find products that are suitable for your skin type and tone.

After some samples (free personalized samples!) and a makeover I finally found out my favorites along with my old standbys.

Many of my favorite products can be found in Sephora. They only sell top of the line items. If you are very tight budgeted – have no fear! I’ll also provide my favorite Drug Store brand items that are as close to the best items you can get!

Facial Moisturizers for sensitive skin

My ultimate favorite is Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel: $36 (Sephora)

This is a great moisturizer for my Combination skin. It's great for both night time and pre-makeup session. It goes on smoothly and is non oily. What's great is it doesn't cause me any issues with my sensitive skin as Clinique prides themselves on their 100% Hypoallergenic Guarantee (If even one person has an allergic reaction, they will take the product off the shelves and change/test their product until they are sure again).

If you have very dry skin and don't have issues with an overabundance of natural oil - try their Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

If you are on an extremely tight budget, my final recommendation and my favorite standby is Vitamins E, A & D Moisturizing Cream: $1.99/2oz (GNC) this stuff is cheap and amazing!

Fine Lines

I want to make a special recommendation for Clinique’s Repairware Laser Focus: $60/oz (Sephora) This serum is great for us ladies who are starting to show our age. This serum is great for smoothing out those fine lines, and you only need a little bit. Four drops should be enough to cover your problem areas on your face – this bottle should last you 4-6 months. Again it’s completely hypoallergenic.

Daily Foundation

Clinique Stay-Matte Oil Free Makeup: $29 (Sephora) this is perfect if you tend to shine through foundations after a while. I love this one for my photo shoots. It has amazing lasting wear time - you will need makeup remover at the end of the day to make sure it all comes off.

CoverGirl Outlast 3 in 1 Foundation: $8 (Shoppers Drug Mart) This is a Primer, Foundation and Sunscreen all rolled into one. It goes on smoothly (after you moisturize!) and has great lasting power. It also has the added bonus of SPF 20 - which is perfect for winter wear.


I prefer gel based makeup, not only for their lasting power - but they are also less likely to neither bother my sensitive skin nor wipe away easily when my eyes water from the cold.

Marc Jacobs Highliner – Gel Crayon: $30 (Sephora) this amazing mechanical eye liner glides on smooth and stays put! It has 6 amazing colors including Blackest Black (my favorite).

L'Oreal Infallable Never Fail Eyeliner: $15 (Shoppers Drug Mart) This mechanical eye liner glides on smoothly from one end, and smudges to a nice smoky finish from the other end. (also with built in sharpener). Make sure to use a good eye primer before using this or else it will fade and smudge during the day when your natural oils kick in.


Marc Jacobs Beauty Lash Lifter - Gel Definition Mascara: $30 (Sephora) This will give you beautifully long and curled eyelashes in a waterproof gel base that lasts and lasts...and lasts. In fact it lasts so well that you need to make sure you use an eye makeup remover at night to wash this away. I LOVE the gel base as most mascara will flake in the cold air and there is nothing worse than having your eyes randomly burning and watering while driving because you have mascara flaking off into your eyes. Word of Warning: This is not a volumizing mascara, so don't overdo it, it will just end up clumping and looking terrible.

CoverGirl LashBlast Fusion Waterproof Mascara: $7 (Shoppers Drug Mart) If you want volume, length and Va Va VOOM This is the answer to your frugal prayers. I would say this is the goddess of all Drug Store Mascaras. It will provide lush beautiful long lasting lashes all day long. A must have for your makeup bag.


I prefer going colorless during the daytime. But I always make sure to keep a good lip moisturizer with me. Here are my preferred

Marc Jacobs Lip Lock Moisture Balm: $29 (Sephora) This amazing lip moisturizing balm is made with exotic oils and butters like andiroba, buriti, shea and avocado. It has a delightfully minty taste and feels like silk on your lips. I absolutely love this stuff!

Baby Lips by Maybelline: $5 (Shoppers Drug Mart) This is the ultimate in Drug Store lip balm. It reminds me vaguely of the Marc Jacobs and has similar moisturizing qualities. It’s a good substitute with a budget in mind. I prefer the original, but they have different flavors/tints that are good if you want a little extra color on your luscious lips.

Well that’s it. My Favorites and recommendations for the winter months. As you can see I really love the Marc Jacobs and Clinique lines – I can’t always afford them – and in that case I’m more than happy to stick with the cheaper brands.
Stay warm this winter girls!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

It's My party... and my Hair is a nightmare

Well not MY party, but my company's Christmas party is coming up this friday.

It's not a huge deal - basically it's dress nice and have a nice dinner on the company.

I have a black gown from my photoshoot to wear, and my man balked at the idea of wearing a suit - so it's a pair of slacks and a nice sweater/dress shirt for him. Apparently he will only wear a tie to a funeral, and POSSIBLY a wedding if the people are very important to him.

So I'm sitting here all broken out (damn hormones), my hair is extremely dry and fuzzy, I had a huge hair loss bout when my iron levels nosedived over the past year, so the hair growing back is extremely messy and doesn't want to behave.

I can't decide for the life of me how to do my hair. I had been "cursed" with curly hair. I hated it growing up. My boyfriend remembers me as the "Jungle Hair Girl" growing up with his sister.

I finally figured out not to fight it but just let it do it's thing by the time I was 28.

My hair then became my glory - then it started falling out (go figure) Now it's not curly, it's not wavy and it's not straight. It's just a mess!

I think it may be time to find a short cut that will suit my face, but it's trying to convince my man to let me do it (He is still in love with my long hair, regardless of how messy it is).

I swear I've been cursed. Every time I find something that works for me - something else comes along and ruins it.

If anyone has any good hair products to try, please let me know!

Monday 18 November 2013

I'm ready for Vacation - I HOPE!

So I find out our Aunt and Uncle are going on vacation. When I asked where they are going - I almost cried when they told us Hawaii.

I went in 2008 and fell head over heels in love with it. I have always dreamed of going back.

I tried to convince my boyfriend to go later in the year but he refuses to go unless he goes with them (rolleyes).

Both my man and I are getting bonuses for Christmas - if we work it out right, we can get cheaper flights through Perkopolis through my work and convince them to share a condo with us (Overall same price as hotel, but with a full kitchen so we can cook meals).

It's been so long since I've travelled that I no longer have a passport, so I gotta get that lickity split.

Now I have been making plans like it's GOING to happen, when I really shouldn't. Just in case it doesn't. Then I've been thinking of what can I do in Hawaii to be frugal.

Well obviously cooking instead of dining out (fresh fruit and veggies at the market, Safeways and fishmongers for meat)

But then there were "alternatives" to hotels. Hostels (no way will my man take part in that) but CAMPING caught my attention.

For just under $400, We could have someone set up a tent, sleeping bags, pillows, tables and chairs, firepits and campground for us on the beach (and take it down when we're done). Now who can say they've been camping in Hawaii?

Only bad thing is, we can't leave anything behind if we want to explore the Island. I'm pretty sure my Aunt and Uncle won't want to camp with us. So there is no one to guard the site and our stuff.

All souvineers I learned from last time I went should be bought at the International Markets, ABC or Walmart. As well as Kona Coffee... never buy it from souvineer shops or hotels. It's INSANELY expensive!!

We can get bus passes to take public transit around the island instead of renting a car (Most hotels will provide free or discounted transit passes for your stay).

Anyways, if you have any ideas on how to keep spending down to a minimum on Oahu, I'll be more than happy to hear them! :)

Thursday 14 November 2013

Fuzzy Eyed and Stylin'

It was most definitely an interesting morning.

I see an ophthalmologist for a partially detached retina I have in my right eye. And realized my little guy ended up breaking my last pair of sunglasses. So I had made a quick stop to Dollarama last night to pick up a pair for after my appointment this morning.

The Eye Specialist was extremely busy, and after having my eyes dilated - I had to sit for an hour in the overly packed waiting room to get the retinal pictures taken then another 30 minutes to see the doc.

I couldn't read words, but I could see colors. So I ended up playing Jelly Splash and Candy Crush on my phone, entertaining enough to keep me busy while waiting (not to mention listening to an elderly gentleman make wise cracks about everything - I like that, he keeps his views positive no matter what).

Good news is I don't need a Vitrectomy (look it up, NOT pleasant at all) which is what they were originally planning. My retina is fixing itself with building up scar tissue - which is pushing it back into place. Bad news is my vision is slowly declining in my right eye (not TERRIBLY, I can still see, just more blurry). The doctor wants to make sure that the scar tissue holds it into place long enough to assure my retina won't detach again - then set me up for Laser surgery to break up the tissue. The good news in this is the recovery goes from 2 - 3 weeks for a Vitrectomy to 2 days for the laser procedure.

So, I sadly am NOT looking forward to two surgeries next year. First surgery being the extraction of my lower wisdom teeth. I'm 33 and it wont be an easy extraction. They need to put me out as they need to to cut into my gums, part of my jaw and break the teeth to extract as the roots are curved around my nerves. If I'm not asleep and I accidentally jerk or move and rip the nerves, I'll have permanent loss of feeling in the lower half of my face and jaw. Not a good thing.

The trip to work from the Specialist's office was strange. I couldn't tell a Semi from a car further than 100feet from me, so watching for a bus was interesting.

On a good note in all of this - Everyone loves my Stylish sunglasses at work! How about that - the $1 pair of sunglasses are being compared to a $200 fashion brand! Nice to be stylin in the office, even if I do look a little out of place wearing sunglasses sitting at a desk under florescent lighting.

Time to hunt down some Chocolate. I need some comfort food.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Tis the Season to Prep for Christmas - Gifts on a Tight Budget

I'm seeing the countdown to Christmas everywhere I look.

The store displays are all decked out and the malls are already rocking the Jingle tunes.

I'm no grinch; but I can't help panic as I look through my budget and realize I barely have two pennies to rub together to buy gifts for my friends and family after all the bills are paid up.

I bought the largest gifts already for my man and kids - but still have about 15-20 extended family members and friends to think of.

My boyfriend's aunt has asked for a Family portrait for Christmas. So I'm going to run with that.

It's time to plan out the gifts.

If you are friends and family, I highly recommend you stop reading right here as this is a SPOILER ALERT!)

For everyone else, scroll down.

I get special requests every year from friends and family for certain items (Sugar Cookies, Shortbread, Ginger Snaps, Eatmore Bars, Candy Cane cookies etc). I'm also going to go ahead and try out some Cake Pops too. I'm a HUGE fan of them, and I have heard are amazingly easy to make (the biggest decision will be what KINDS to make).

WalMart has a sale going on right now with personalized photograph Coffee Mugs for $9 each. I think that would be a great centerpiece (a cute pic of our little man) filled with Assorted chocolates, candy canes and a few individually wrapped Cake pops, and a couple of hot chocolate mixes. A small framed family portrait along with a small tin of assorted cookies and treats, all done up in nice gift bags.

The personalized mugs will be for close family (Aunts, Uncles & Grandmas), but I'll buy cheaper Christmas Themed Coffee Mugs from Dollarama for extended family and friends.

The mugs, gift bags, wrap, ribbons, picture frames, tins and bows can all be purchased at Dollarama for about $60

Walmart - $50 for the Personalized Photograph mugs

The Photography and pictures shouldn't cost more than $90 from Superstore (includes "personalized" Christmas Picture Cards for distant friends and families, just gotta pay Postage)

Baking Goods about $50

If I work this out right when all is said and done - the last treats are baked and last bow and ribbons are lovingly curled and stuck on the final gift bag, it should Cost around $20 per person for close family and $12 per person for friends and extended family.

I am going to start the baking soon. Everything I make can easily be frozen until ready to sort decorate and gift.

A tip for those who want to bake ahead of time - if you freeze your treats, make sure you wrap them in plenty of Parchment and Wax paper before freezing to make sure that the treats don't collect condensation during the freezing and defrosting period (which will ruin the look and taste).

All in all I'm spending about $250 over a month's period for 15 - 20 people.

Yes I may be cheap, but I refuse to break the bank for an way over-commercialized Holiday.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

To Be or not to Be - What ever am I to do?

I'm SO not commited.

I'm not talking about my family or relationships,I am fully commited to and love my man and family.

I'm talking about my career and life.

I love where I'm working, I love the people I work with but the job itself is so mundane. There are no ways to move up and I'm constanatly begging for more work. I don't dread going to work, but I do dread days that are quiet. I'm very dedicated to my job and I'm not leaving it just yet as it's secure. I have good benefits and quite frankly I'm just not ready to take the leap.

So I've been thinking. What do I want to be when I grow up? (At 33 years old, I am embracing the "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional" spiel).

I love cooking and Baking. From the time I was 8 I was baking on my own (adult supervised of course) and by 12 making family dinners. I love trying new things, but I just don't want to do it all the time. I can't see myself behind an industrial kitchen cooking the same thing over and over and over. It would drive me mad.

I love the arts, I like working with people, I love helping those in need, and I love anything technological.

I grew up a gamer (Kings Quest baby), and will always be one. I'm by no means one of those hard core stay up 24 hours drinking redbull and eating pop tarts while I lead raid after raid on World of Warcraft (I used to!) but now I LOVE games I can play and put down at will.

I also love History - Who knew! I hated it in High School! But once I started going to college, one of my pals lent me some Historical Romance books... and that peaked my interest. I now gobble them up faster than you can blink.

I love animals and Always wanted to be a vet, but after developing allergies, I don't want to be constantly feeling like I'm on the verge of a cold.

Then Fashion - I'm no fashionista, but I have the looks to be a plus sized model. I tried it, and had fun - but still just not for me.

I am very creative and have a fun imagination. I tried to apply that along with my good knowledge of grammar and the written word to write a book. I get going but just can't seem to get one finished. I have about 3 started books out there, but just can't finish one.

So the point of my blogging is going to be about stuff I love; reviews, and recipes. Maybe an interesting fact I learned, a funny story I heard, or even just a little vent here or there (hey we all need it).